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Here is where I will be blogging.. I'll try to update this page as much as possible. Thank you for visiting this page as well! OK now go read please.

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Wednesday, March 12th, 2025.

I'm setting the date as March 12th, but it's really just closer to 12am on the 11th. I just got finished recording another part to my project, which is fun! I got told my voice sounds tired from someone I got feedback from and now I'm sad. I really should be asleep by now but, like, I don't wanna. Ok bye bye!

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Sunday, March 2nd, 2025.

I'm finally finished with my blog, hooray! I would've finished it yesterday but I was forced to go shopping with my evil Grandmother and Mother. It's ok though, they bought me cute new stuff. After that we went to dinner at Chuy's... I'm convinced the chips and dip are a scheme to get you super full, before you get your outrageous amount of food... They're trying to plump you up. Beware guys, stay safe, and thanks for reading!

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